.hack// series
.hack//Infection | .hack//Mutation | .hack//Outbreak | .hack//Quarantine Publisher: Bandai | Developer: CyberConnect2 | Release Date: 2003 - 2004 |
While this RPG series has its fair share of faults, it's still worth a look just for the new ground it broke. The serialized gameplay, spread out across four separate chapters, is able to simulate a massively multiplayer online world, despite being neither massively multiplayer nor online. Fans of MMORPGs will definitely want to give these games a try.
Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits Publisher: Sony | Developer: ARC entertainment | Release Date: 2003 |
A strictly by-the-book RPG, Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits introduced the popular Japanese series to the PS2. While not a visual stunner, its RPG features are buttressed by a strong story—the conflict between humans and deimos (intelligent monsters) told from the perspective of brothers Kharg and Darc—which makes this one a keeper.
Champions of Norrath: Realms of EverQuest Publisher: SOE | Developer: Snowblind | Release Date: 2004 |
For those who like their RPGs on the light side, Champions (along with its sequel) offers classic Diablo-style play. Hack and slash your way through the melodramatic story line to save the world from falling to Innoruuk, the Prince of Hate. Or just hack and slash your way to getting cool new loot, like an efreeti war ax with 178-205 damage!
Dark Cloud 2 Publisher: SOE | Developer: Level-5 | Release Date: 2004 |
This is a game in which you can have a kid jump into a robot clown and have it punch evil trees and stuff. Do you need more reasons to try this game? How about the ability to create towns, invent new weapons, or learn how to be a good photographer? Still not interested? You're dead to us.
Final Fantasy X Publisher: Square | Developer: Square | Release Date: 2001 |
The 10th game in the Final Fantasy series holds special significance due to the introduction of voice acting. X also introduced a new character-swap system, making battles more interesting and dynamic. And who could forget blitz ball—a side quest that could've easily been its own game.
Final Fantasy X-2 Publisher: Square | Developer: Square | Release Date: 2003 |
Finally, you can fulfill your dream of playing as three totally hot fashionistas who save the world with their wardrobes! OK, this isn't as heavy or deep as the previous Final Fantasy games, but we applaud its experimental foray into a less linear world and its use of different clothes as weapons. Well, we really just like playing as women who fight monsters with their fabulous skirts.
Final Fantasy XI Publisher: Square | Developer: Square | Release Date: 2004 |
While not the first MMORPG on the PS2, it is definitely the first successful one, sucking console gamers into the evil and addictive world of a persistent online universe. Just ask OPM art director Ryan Vulk—in the span of one year, he's spent more than 100 real-time days in the game. We're not quite sure how he has time to do his job....
Kingdom Hearts Publisher: Square | Developer: Square | Release Date: 2002 |
Combining Disney and Square characters seems ridiculous, but Kingdom Hearts pulls it off. The straightforward combat combined with amazing locations and characters attracts Disney and Square Enix fans alike. And while the Gummi ship portions leave something to be desired, the rest of the game is top-notch.
Magic Pengel: The Quest for Color Publisher: Agetec | Developer: Garakuta-studio | Release Date: 2003 |
Magic Pengel is just one of those games that's charming and has a unique style. For starters, it lets you design your own characters through a doodling system that instantly changes anything you draw into a 3D model. Plus, who can resist those sickeningly cute paintbrush-equipped pengels?
Monster Rancher 3 Publisher: Tecmo | Developer: Tecmo | Release Date: 2001 |
In a convincing answer to the Pokémon craze, Tecmo's Monster Rancher line (4 shipped in 2003) lets you breed, train, and fight with—yep—monsters. MR3, generally regarded as the series' best, scrapped the familiar farm system in favor of large, open regions, with a greater emphasis on training and combat. Cooler still, MR3 introduced the ability to import your face into the game. Breed, monster, breed!
Phantom Brave Publisher: Atlus usa | Developer: Nippon ichi | Release Date: 2004 |
If you're only going to play one weird strategy-RPG, then go with this one. We could talk on and on about how you create units by confining the souls of warriors in everyday objects, but that's just ruining the fun. It's cheap, too!
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne Publisher: Atlus | Developer: Atlus | Release Date: 2004 |
To say this is Pokémon plus Paradise Lost plus Final Fantasy is to barely get into it. It's got a crazy story about demons and postapocalyptic conquest, it portrays Lucifer as a doddering wheelchair rider, and it makes the act of fusing angels and demons and ice monsters into weirder creatures a whole lot of fun. Plus, it has the most Japanese name on this list.

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Publisher: Square-Enix | Developer: Tri-ace | Release Date: 2004 |
It's a flawed but valiant effort to supply RPG gamers with a huge sci-fi epic that eats up lots of game time and features quirky real-time combat. Plus, it has the trippiest ending since the time you had to read a book in Ultima IV
XenoSaga Episode I: Der Wille Zur Macht Publisher: Namco Hometek | Developer: Monolith | Release Date: 2003 |
This is more of an anime-style treatise on theology than an RPG. If you want to see a massive space opera that makes you wonder why you're alive and what you should do with your life, then this is a good start. Besides, it has a really hot robot woman as the main character.

Dragon Warrior VII Publisher: Enix | Developer: Enix | Release Date: 2001 |
This is a fine history lesson in which great gameplay is coupled with not-amazing graphics. But if you love killing things and running around in dungeons, you'll be hard-pressed to find a better game. It also provides good prep background for Dragon Quest VIII, which looks pretty awesome.

Final Fantasy VII (BEST OF ALL) Publisher: Sony | Developer: Square | Release Date: 1997 |
If any game is responsible for introducing RPGs to the masses, it's Final Fantasy VII. Its deep (and occasionally convoluted) story, along with its amazing cut-scenes, provides a cinematic experience that few other games have matched. It's no wonder the game's fans still ask about Aeris to this day. This is the best of 20 most wanted RPG game.
Final Fantasy Tactics Publisher: Square | Developer: Square | Release Date: 1998 |
One word summarizes Final Fantasy Tactics: depth. The Shakespearean story of betrayal and murder and the expansive class training system are just two of the reasons Tactics can suck away hours upon hours of your day without you even knowing it. It also gets the award for having the most shanking of any videogame.
The Legend of Dragoon Publisher: Sony | Developer: Sony | Release Date: 2000 |
This visually awesome game was Sony's answer to the frenzy stirred up by Final Fantasy VII. While disparaged by some, it inspired many gamers to rabid fandom. Just how fanatic are these people? Well, OPM has received more mail asking whether there will be a sequel to Legend of the Dragoon than it has for any other game.
Star Ocean: The Second Story Publisher: Enix | Developer: Tri-ace | Release Date: 1999 |
If you like big, sprawling RPGs but aren't so big a fan of Final Fantasy, then Star Ocean is probably more your cup of tea. Its sprawling worlds and pretty graphics drew gamers in, but they were kept there by the endlessly branching story lines. In fact, it is so sprawling that your choices can result in more than 80 endings. Talk about replayability.
XenoGears Publisher: Square | Developer: Square | Release Date: 1998 |
If you liked all the theological space opera-ness of Xenosaga, then hunt down this game. It's even weirder and more theological, but it still features fun fights using big robots. One word of caution, however: Don't get this game if you're sensitive to alternative
portrayals of God (this applies to Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne also).
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