When Capcom first announced a version of the original Resident Evil for Nintendo DS, it raised plenty of eyebrows. After all, how would the publisher

As it turns out, Capcom's done it quite well, rebuilding the game from scratch to work on the portable system. While the polygonal models of the characters have been simplified, they look just fine on the small screen. The cut-scenes, while slightly dithered from the video compression, still look just as awesomely cheesy as they did a decade ago. The voice acting survives as well, meaning that classic lines like the "master of unlocking" debacle that had us chortling all those years ago will live again.
But in a concession to the times, and more specifically the dual screens, the map is ever-present now, making it easier for gamers to keep track of their progress. The item management menu has been redesigned to fit the lower screen as well, with items and icons larger and easier to identify (and they can be rotated and viewed in 3D as well). What will be of most interest, though, is the new "Rebirth" mode, which introduces new gameplay elements not found in the original. During certain encounters, the game will switch to a first-person perspective which requires the gamer to slash his stylus across the screen in an attempt to fend off the advances of unwanted zombie love. Prepare for some heated screen scrubbing, as the sense of desperation is amplified by the use of a mere survival knife as your sole defense.
Other interactive functions -- such as using the microphone to blow poison back at an enemy, solve puzzles and even revive a fallen teammate (CPR, you know you love it) -- help mix up things as you go, and other features like a quick 180-degree turn, a quick reload function and a permanently-mapped knife button all make for streamlined gameplay. The good news for people who prefer the company of others is that the game supports two-to-four player wireless gaming in a Versus mode where players go for the highest score by killing the most enemies and making the fastest escapes. Cooperative play has also been implemented, where players work together to solve brain-teasers, grab items and get the hell out of the mansion. The best news of all is if you can't wait to get your survival-horror on, you won't have to wait long, since the game ships in less than one week.
For official trailer, goto capcom website :
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